Q:Who is poor and eats lobster every day?
A:The state of Maine
In its struggle for funds, the US state of Maine wants to start charging tax on services including a juggler tax. Cold. It just sounds like a total headache to obey and enforce.

Jugglers, clowns and hitmen already pay income tax just like everyone else. Now, add to that a service tax — which I’m guessing is around 7%. According to the New York Times article about new state taxes, the politicians of Maine will vote in June.
You’ll get an invoice from your kid’s birthday party juggler for:
- his (or her [there are girl jugglers in Maine due to last year’s laws]) rate
- 7% tax
- plus, there will probably be a space for tips*
Here’s a money juggling trick…
Here’s an excerpt from the whole law thing:
1-J. Amusement, entertainment and recreation services. “Amusement, entertainment and recreation services” is defined pursuant to this subsection.
A. “Amusement, entertainment and recreation services” means the following:
(1) Admission fees to entertainment venues and performances, including theaters, movies, lectures, concerts, festivals, amusement parks, water parks, fairgrounds, except for licensed agricultural fairs, race tracks, carnivals, circuses, sports activities, stadiums, amphitheaters, museums, planetariums, animal parks, petting zoos, aquariums, historical sites and convention centers;
(2) Fees charged for participation in or entry to miniature golf courses, billiard parlors, go-cart courses and paintball;
(3) Admission fees charged for exhibition shows such as auto, boat, camping, home, garden, animal and antique shows;
(4) Fees charged for scenic and sight-seeing excursions including aircraft, helicopter, balloon, blimp, watercraft, railroad, bus, trolley and wagon rides, whitewater rafting and guided recreation, but excluding scenic and sight-seeing excursions on federally navigable waters; and
(5) Entertainment services such as those provided by bands, orchestras, disc jockeys, comedians, clowns, jugglers, children’s entertainers and ventriloquists.
Petting zoos! This is the last straw, Maine!
I taped a pen inside of a $20 bill to get the photo above. Even with the added weight, it took me 40 tries to get a decent pic.
* a 45% tip is customary
Matt says:
We are forward to having you rock the Tour de Fat this Saturday.
Will we get to see the dolly trick?
Handtruck is the proper nomenclature I suppose. I’m sure you also do tricks with all sorts of dolls.